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Risk Inquiry Service
Risk Inquiry Service
How to Implement the Risk Inquiry Service
The Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) joins device data provided from the data collector process with the customer order dat...
How to Authenticate the Risk Inquiry Service
To preserve the security of Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) data, merchants must authenticate to Kount using an API Key wh...
Invoking the Risk Inquiry Service
Pre-authorization and post-authorization are the two methods for invoking Risk Inquiry Service. Each unique method r...
Risk Inquiry Service Data Submission
When submitting data to Risk Inquiry Service (RIS), it is recommended to send as much data as possible. As part of t...
Risk Inquiry Service Modes
The Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) joins device data with customer order data, and then evaluates and scores each transac...
Risk Inquiry Service Items Purchased Data
Each Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) request must be submitted with a minimum of one purchased item. While other RIS data ...
Risk Inquiry Service Response
When you post Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) information to Kount, a key-value pair string is returned (RIS response). ...
The Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) joins device data with customer order data, and then evaluates and scores each transa...
Risk Inquiry Service Error Codes
The Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) combines data provided by the Device Data Collector (DDC) with the customer order da...
Risk Inquiry Service Predictive Response (Test Environment)
Predictive Response is a mechanism that is used by our customers to submit test requests and receive back predictable...
CURL Command Example for RIS
Perform the following to make a RISK call using an API key and CURL: curl -d "MODE=Q&MACK=Y&AUTH=A&CURR=USD&EMAL=name...
NodeJS Example for RIS Call
Require needed libraries (querystring, https). Create your inquiry data array. Create your http options. Make a call...
How to Integrate the RIS Java SDK
This document contains resources for the Kount RIS Java SDK. For a complete Kount integration you must include the De...
How to Integrate the RIS Python SDK
This document contains resources for the Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) Python SDK. The RIS Python SDK provides informa...
How to Integrate the RIS PHP SDK
The Kount RIS PHP SDK provides instructions for: Building and sending requests to the RIS service Client-side data v...
How to Integrate the RIS Ruby SDK
The official Kount Complete RIS wrapper. It provides simple methods to execute RIS calls. The kount_complete gem for ...
Integrating the Risk Inquiry Service .NET SDK
For a complete integration you must include the Device Data Collector as well as the Risk Inquiry Service POST. It ...