Risk Inquiry Service Modes

The Risk Inquiry Service (RIS) joins device data with customer order data, and then evaluates and scores each transaction. RIS Modes are used to specify the type of data being submitted to Kount during a RIS call.

Mode Q

Initial queries directed from the merchant to Kount that do not originate from a call center environment.

Mode P

Initial queries originating from a call center environment or kiosk.

  • IP Address must be hard coded as "".
  • If the customer does not provide an email address, use the value EMAL=noemail@Kount.com.
  • PayPal is not a valid payment type for MODE=P.
  • Provide the phone number within the ANID field (if no phone number is available, pass 0123456789 hard coded).
  • Do not run the Device Data Collector (DDC) in a Mode P call
Note: If it is not possible to meet the MODE P requirements, but you can identify IP addresses and the origin of the transactions, then an IP exclusion rule for those IP addresses have the same effect as a MODE P call. Refer to How to Create Persona Exclusions to create an IP exclusion.

Mode U

Mode U is an update call to Kount; updating fields such as order number and status of payment authorization. After a Mode U is sent, the updates are reflected in the Agent Web Console (AWC). The corresponding transaction is not re-evaluated in a Mode U call, therefore it does not count towards the total number of RIS transactions purchased.

  • The PTYP field must only be updated if the initial post to Kount was PTYP=NONE.
  • When implementing a pre-authorization workflow, Mode U is required to keep complete and accurate data from the payment gateway. For more information about pre-authorization workflows, refer to How to Invoke the Risk Inquiry Service.
  • Only certain fields can be updated with MODE U calls, expand the data table below to view which fields can be updated.
Mode U RIS Data Table
Attribute Description Data Type and Size Minimum Required
AUTH Authorization Status returned to merchant from processor

A: Authorized
D: Declined

In orders where AUTH=A will aggregate towards order velocity of the persona while orders where AUTH=D will decrement the velocity of the persona.
1 character alphanumeric  
AVST Address Verification System Street verification response returned to merchant from processor.

M: Match
N: No Match
X: Unsupported or Unavailable
1 character alphanumeric  
AVSZ Address Verification System Zip Code verification response returned to merchant from processor.

M: Match
N: No Match
X: Unsupported or Unavailable
1 character alphanumeric  
CVVR Card Verification Value response returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values are ’M’ for match, ’N’ for no-match, or ’X’ unsupported or unavailable. 1 character alphanumeric  
LBIN Captures 6-8 characters of BIN data 6-8 characters numeric  
LAST4 Last 4 numbers of Credit Card Value 4 characters numeric  
MACK Merchants acknowledgement to ship/process the order

Y or N
1 character numeric X
MERC Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by Kount. 6 characters numeric X
MODE Will always be MODE U.

U: Update call to Kount, does not cause a reevaluation of the transaction but will update what is displayed in the Agent Web Console (AWC). This update call does not count towards the number of RIS transactions purchased. Only certain fields can be updated with MODE=U calls. The PTYP field can only be updated if the initial post to Kount was PTYP=NONE.
1 character alphanumeric X
ORDR Merchant’s Order Number 32 characters alphanumeric  
PTOK Payment token returned from payment provider such as PayPal Payer ID or BillMeLater token. 32 characters alphanumeric  
PTYP Only the following payment types allow update made:
Green Dot Money Pak
Google Pay

4 characters alphanumeric  
RFCB Indication of either a refund or chargeback associated with transaction.
'R or 'C'
1 character alphanumeric  
SESS Unique Session ID, must be unique over a 30-day span 32 characters alphanumeric X
TRAN Transaction ID required for update calls to Kount. Transaction ID generated by Kount, must match original RIS Post. 32 characters alphanumeric X
VERS Specifies version of Kount, built into SDK, must be supplied by merchant if not using the SDK. 4 characters alphanumeric X

Mode X

Update query made after an initial MODE=Q or P request and/or any MODE=U updates have been made. Updates to certain fields can be made and the transaction is re-evaluated and returns an updated RIS response to the merchant. These updates are displayed in the Agent Web Console. This query counts towards the number of RIS transactions purchased. The same fields listed in the MODE=U section can be changed for MODE=X transactions except for PTYP, which is not accepted by MODE=X.

Mode E

This mode designates an error has occurred and is returned to the merchant in the RIS response.

Mode W (for Kount Central customers only)

Thresholds are evaluated in addition to Portfolio Manager rules. Mode W has the same input requirements as mode Q, with the addition of CUSTOMER_ID. In a Mode W, the threshold decision/response is appended to the Mode Q decision/response. It is the responsibility of the Processor to evaluate both decisions in a Mode W and take appropriate action. Please see your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Mode W RIS Data Table



Character Limit

Valid Values



Authorization Status returned to merchant from processor

A: Authorized
D: Declined

In orders where AUTH=A will aggregate towards order velocity of the persona while orders where AUTH=D will decrement the velocity of the persona.


A or D



Address Verification System Street verification response returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values are ’M’ for match, ’N’ for no-match, or ’X’ for unsupported or unavailable.


M (Match) N (Not a Match) X (Not Available)



Address Verification System Zip Code verification response returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values are ‘M’ for match, ’N’ for no match, or ‘X’ for unsupported or unavailable.


M (Match) N (Not a Match) X (Not Available)



Card Verification Value response returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values are ’M’ for match, ’N’ for no-match, or ’X’ unsupported or unavailable.


M (Match)N (Not a Match) X (Not Available)



Specifies the format of the RIS response if not using SDK, XML, JSON, YAML





Last 4 numbers of Credit Card Value


Numeric field must be 4 numbers


LBIN Captures 6-8 characters of BIN data 6-8 6-8 characters numeric



Merchants’ acknowledgement to ship/process the order. The MACK field must be set as ’Y’ if persona data is to be collected to strengthen the score.


Y or N



Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by Kount.


Numeric field must be 6 numbers



Specifies what mode type the RIS post is: MODE=Q MODE=P MODE=X MODE=U


Q, P, X, U



Merchant’s Order Number


Alphanumeric field



RIS parameter for payment encoding.





PTOK value replaces Null value passed in original RIS Post.


Value to replace Null value passed in original RIS Post



Payment Type submitted by merchant: PYPL BLML GDMP GOOG

Note: PTYP must have been set to actual payment PTYP that is updated within the initial RIS Post. PTOK must have been set to Null. If the PTYP is set to NONE no update can be performed.





Refund/Chargeback status: R = Refund C = Chargeback


R (Refund) or C (Chargeback)



Unique Session ID. Must be unique over a 30- day span.


Alphanumeric field; must be match original RIS Post



Transaction ID required for update calls to Kount.


Transaction ID generated by Kount, must match original RIS Post



Specifies version of Kount, built into SDK, must be supplied by the merchant if not using the SDK.


Version of Kount being used


Note: There are exceptions to the PENC, PTOK, and PTYP fields. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further details.
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