When using the Kount SDK to collect data, you must complete Google's data safety form to add the app to the Google Play store. This form provides end users with a summary explaining how their data is collected and handled.
These instructions only apply to data collection performed by the Device Data Collector (DDC). If you have other SDKs or collect other types of data, you should consider them when you fill out the form.
Sign in to your Google Play Console account.
Select your app.
Select Monitor and Improve.
Select Policy and Programs.
Select App Content.
Under Data collection and security, for Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types?, select Yes, then select Next.
Under Data types, select:
Approximate location and Precise location
App interactions
Device or other IDs
Select Next.
Under Data Usage and handling, select Start.
Make the following selections for each question:
Is this data collected, shared, or both?
Select Collected, Shared.
Is this data processed ephemerally?
Select Yes, this collected data is processed ephemerally.
Is this data required for your app, or can users choose whether it's collected?
Select Data collection is required (users can't turn off this data collection).
Why is this user's data collected?
Select Fraud prevention, security and compliance.
Why is this user's data shared?
Select Fraud prevention, security and compliance.