Prevent fraudulent charges on your Shopify store by adding the Kount app. Our Advanced app includes all Kount Command capabilities and gives you full control over your fraud protection.
To get started with Kount Advanced in Shopify, an account with Kount is required. If you do not have an account, contact before attempting to configure the app.
Sign in to your Shopify store.
Search for and select the Kount app, or open the Kount app page.
Select Add app.
On the Install page, review the privacy and permission details, and then select Install app.
Configure the Kount Advanced app.
There are two versions of Kount Advanced: Kount Command and Kount 360. Ask your Kount Solution Engineer which one you are using. This information is needed to complete the following instructions.
The installation page defaults to the Kount 360 version of the Kount app. If you have a Command API key and have been a customer with Kount before August of 2024, you can install the Command version. Type USE RIS in to the Kount 360 API Key text field, select Save, and then refresh the page. The Command installation form displays instead of the Kount 360 installation form.
Sign in to your Shopify store.
Select the Kount app.
The Kount Advanced configuration page displays.
Type USE RIS in the Kount 360 API Key text field.
Select Save, then refresh the page.
The Kount 360 configuration page is replaced by an App Mode selection page.
Select Test or Live.
The Command Advanced configuration page displays.
Installation will fail if the previous instructions are not followed for the Command Advanced app. You can reattempt installation as needed.
Fill out the required information on the Advanced page for the Command app:
Merchant ID — The unique identifier for your company or organization provided by Kount when you created an account. This identifier is Merchant ID. The Merchant ID is a 6-digit numeric value while the Organization ID is a 20-digit alphanumeric value.
Test Mode — Allows the production app to send data to the Kount test environment. The Kount API key must be changed when the Test mode is activated. There are two separate API keys for the test environment and the production environment. If you do not change the API key when saving this configuration, an “unexpected error” displays.
API Key — If you have not created an API key, go to How to Create an API Key for Authentication to Kount.
Website ID — If you only have one website or channel connected to Kount, enter Default. For Kount Command customers with multiple websites connected to Kount, create the appropriate website IDs as detailed in Creating a New Website in the Agent Web Console.
Configure your ENS or webhook settings by reviewing How to Enable ENS within the Agent Web Console.
ENS Callback URL — This URL is copied when setting up the Event Notification System (ENS) in the Agent Web Console (AWC).
The ENS Callback URL is required even if you are not performing a manual review. It must be saved in the Kount portal before being saved in the Kount Shopify App configuration. If the ENS Callback URL is not saved in the Kount portal first, the installation of the Kount Shopify App fails.
The Event Notification System (ENS) and webhooks are how Kount sends notifications to you without logging into Kount Command. You must set up ENS or webhooks if you plan on reviewing transactions in Kount Command.
Approve Actions
Auto-Capture — Select this checkbox to enable the auto-capture functionality of this app. If this is enabled and Kount approves a transaction, it calls the Shopify API to capture payment. This feature only works when gateway settings are set to Manual. To set the gateway settings to manual, go to the Shopify payment capture settings, select Manage, and then Manual.
Payments are authorized only until Kount processes the transaction. If Kount approves the transaction or marks it for review, the payment is then captured. If Kount declines the transaction, the payment is not captured.
If you enable Auto-Capture, do not also enable auto-capture in your payment gateway to avoid double-capturing payments.
Decline Actions
Auto-Void — Select this checkbox to enable the auto-void functionality of this app. If enabled and Kount declines a transaction, it calls the Shopify API to void the authorization.
Auto-Refund — Select this checkbox to refund purchase and add items back into inventory when Kount responds with D (Decline), either initially or through a manual review.
Auto-Cancel — Transactions declined in Kount contact the Shopify API to cancel the order. If disabled, you must manually cancel it in Shopify.
Analysis Submission
Disable All — Select this checkbox to temporarily disable sending transactions to Kount for a Risk Assessment.
Disable Phone Orders — Orders placed on behalf of a shopper will not be sent to Kount for a Risk Assessment.
Submit Recurring Transactions — If the customer is using an app for recurring transactions and the checkbox is selected, it submits all the transactions, including the recurring one. If the checkbox is not selected, only the first transaction is submitted, not the recurring transactions. The default setting for this is Enabled. Currently, only Ordergroove and Recharge are supported.
Risk Indication
Single Basic Indicator (enabled by default) — This sends a single fraud indicator to an order in Shopify. This helps optimize API usage in Shopify. If it is disabled, your shop is more likely to exceed the API limits set by Shopify. Refer to Shopify API Rate Limits for API rate specifics.
Select Save.
Install Shopify Flows, configure settings, and create workflows to set up the Kount app for manual reviews.
Change settings in the Kount app and Shopify before creating any workflows.
On your Shopify Admin page, select Kount.
Under Approve Actions, make sure that Auto-Capture is not selected.
Under Decline Actions, make sure that Auto-Refund and Auto-Cancel are not selected.
You can leave the Auto-Void setting on if it is already selected.
On the Admin page, select Settings.
Select Payments.
Under Payment capture method, select Manually.
Select Save.
On the Shopify Admin page, select Apps, then select Flow.
Select Create Workflow.
Select Select a Trigger.
Select Kount.
Select Order automatically approved.
On the trigger, select Then, select Action, then search for Capture Payment.
Name the workflow Kount Auto Approve.
Select Turn on workflow, then select Turn on.
Select Exit.
On the Shopify Admin page, select Apps, then select Flow.
Select Create Workflow.
Select Select a Trigger.
Select Kount.
Select Order automatically declined.
On the trigger, select Then, select Action, then search for Cancel order.
Configure the action as needed.
Name the workflow Kount Auto Cancel.
Select Turn on workflow, then select Turn on.
Select Exit.
On the Shopify Admin page, select Apps, then select Flow.
Select Create Workflow.
Select Select a Trigger.
Select Kount.
Select Order manually approved.
On the trigger, select Then, select Action, then search for Capture payment.
Name the workflow Kount Manual Approve.
Select Turn on workflow, then select Turn on.
Select Exit.
On the Shopify Admin page, select Apps, then select Flow.
Select Create Workflow.
Select Select a Trigger.
Select Kount.
Select Order manually declined.
On the trigger, select Then, select Action, then search for Cancel order.
Configure the action as needed.
Name the workflow Kount Manual Cancel.
Select Turn on workflow, then select Turn on.
Select Exit.
On the Shopify Admin page, select Apps, then select Flow.
Select Create Workflow.
Select Select a Trigger.
Select Kount.
Select Order marked for review.
On the trigger, select Then, select Action, then search for Add order tags.
Name the tag kount-under-review.
Name the workflow Tag Orders on Review.
Select Turn on workflow, then select Turn on.
Select Exit.